Posted by on Dec 20, 2018 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

It has been a very full two weeks. We’ve been shadowing the park rangers on their daily tours of the fort, learning different tidbits from each presenter. We had training for ringing up sales on the computer register, and this past weekend, we participated in the Fort’s annual Candle Lantern event, a re-enactment of the Christmas Nog party held at the fort in December, 1861.

We dressed in period clothing and greeted visitors who were then escorted to the fort, lit only by candles and oil lanterns, for music, storytelling, egg nog, and, of course, the firing of the cannon.

And now, after three weeks of an erratic work schedule, we’re excited that this is our first week of our regular schedule: four days working, and three days off. We’re ready for those three days off in a row!

I’m looking forward to some relaxing, a walk on the beach, and also a visit to the Prohibition Museum in downtown Savannah. 

And I’m setting aside some time to think about this past year. We spent time in 20 states, traveling and touristing and volunteering. We worked as camp hosts, and in the visitors center at a national wildlife refuge and now, at Fort Pulaski National Historic Monument. I reconnected with college friends and we even met up with some RVing friends. And after 32 amazing years, I closed my Mac training business. And none of this was part of the future life I dreamed of 10 years ago.

I was re-reading a blog post from mid-2009, and my big dream then was to write my book about living creatively, and travel around the country in my RV, sharing the book and leading workshops. 

And I did exactly that in 2015. 

And then, in 2016 my biggest dream, which I had let go of, never thinking it would happen, came true. Marika retired and said YES to living full-time on the road with me. 

It’s been a mostly wonderful life since then. In fact, I am so content with how we’re living and traveling, that I have put any bigger dreams completely out of view. So much so that I barely think I even have any more big dreams. 

When I ask myself “what else?” it’s pretty quiet. But then I feel something. And when I open into the feeling, I remember my dream of me on a big stage, sharing stories and inspirations with a room full of smiling people. But the moment I think about the work, and the path to get there, it feels too hard, too big, too never mind.

But I also want it.

And so 2019 is the year I am taking the next first step toward that stage and that room full of smiling people. And they are smiling because we are doing an exercise together, holding our smiles as wide as we can for a whole minute to increase our feel good hormones. (Try it!)

So in these last days of 2018, I’m going to sit with this vision, and walk with this vision, and sleep with this vision, to be sure it’s what I really want.

And I’m going to look back on this past year, see what I enjoyed the most, what I don’t want to do again, what I’m most proud of, what made me laugh, when I felt happiest.

I’m going to think about this coming year, and what kinds of people I want to connect with, how I want to challenge myself, and what I want to add to or remove from my life to better support this big stage dream. 

I’m still playing around with my word for the year. I haven’t chosen one in a few years, and I realize how powerful it can be, and how it will be a guiding spark for me as I shift my thoughts, behaviors, and attention. I’m using my former coach, Christine Kane’s worksheet. (Yes, you have to give her your email to get it, but it’s a great tool, and you can always unsubscribe.)

I’d love to help you end and begin your own year. Let’s set up a personal coaching call, or, join the upcoming virtual Heart Sparks Coaching Circle for a truly powerful shift.

From my ending and beginning heart to yours!