Posted by on Jan 1, 2023 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

“And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been.” Rainer Maria Rilke

Happy New Year!
Do you have a ritual for beginning the new year? Maybe you eat black eyed peas for good luck, or spend time with the people you’d like to see throughout the coming year. Maybe you watch the Rose Parade in your pajamas, or take a walk in nature.

Some of us choose a theme for the year, or set goals, or make a list of places we’d like to visit. In the past I have chosen a word for the year, to help me focus my attention on my deepest intention. One year, I wrote a manifesto, declaring the qualities and attributes that I wanted to claim more of. When I was living on the road, the visions for the year were more about where we wanted to explore, and what kind of volunteering sounded interesting. 


This year I am using the Heart Sparks cards to guide me. In December I picked two cards, one to guide me for the next thirty days, one for the next ninety days. I pulled LISTEN and SPARK. 

When I read the text of Listen, my body resisted, so the first thing I did was turn off the TV. But I like having background noise when I’m putzing, so I turned on some old favorite music that I hadn’t heard in years. And it inspired me to dance around the living room. I listened to my body encourage me to get on my bike, even though it was chilly outside. And I listened in to the empty spaces between my usual thoughts.


I heard clarity. I heard boundaries. I heard how soft and healed my heart is. 


And every night before bed I asked to be guided and supported, to do my best work in the world.


One morning I heard a strong message to revamp my original Spark the Heart, Ignite Your Life program. I pulled out all of my notes, and looked at the web page I had created in 2012 when I first offered the course. It was a beautiful, clear offering, with a lovely balance of words and images. But it needed updating, and, as techy as I am, I do not write HTML code. So I set it aside. 


The next morning I thought to ask the woman who had originally created the page if she could do the updates. I sent her an email and she replied within the hour that she couldn’t do it, but she referred me to someone who could.


I contacted the referral and she was happy to do the edits, she had time in the next few days, and her fee was within my budget. I sent her the edits and she said she’d have it done the next day.


That night, I was all comfy cozy in bed, drifting off, thinking about the program, and I realized I needed to include a virtual group gathering to the experience, because now, more than ever, we need to feel seen, heard, and connected.


So I got out of bed, sent the new edits, and went to sleep feeling so full and happy. The page was finished that next day and registration is now officially open.


I sat back in awe of how quickly and easily and beautifully it all unfolded. And how the channels are opening up to the people who will benefit from the program. 


When we are so connected to our authenticity, to our true essence, and we listen in to the messages, and follow the energy with no expectations, magic happens.


The second card I drew was SPARK. I noticed how much was sparking with my work, that I was meeting new people, and connecting from a different, more authentic place.

I also noticed that most of my focus was outward, on sparking others, through my work. And I wondered what I might like to spark in my own life, for my own self.


My first response was “I don’t know.” So I asked again, and I listened. I took out some paper and wrote the headings: Spiritual Life, Financial Life, Social Life, Physical Life. And I listed things that I’d like to focus on in each. But there was nothing exciting, nothing that roused any curiosity, no sparks.


And I noticed that I had completely forgotten my Creative Life. I pulled out a new piece of paper and asked what I wanted in my Creative Life. At first, I wrote about creating a regular writing practice. Maybe publishing some articles. And adding a weekly candle lighting practice. 


And then I took a walk with Tillie, came back, and asked again. This time I wrote, “I want to spark my curiosity, my desire to learn something new, to feel devotion to something.” And my whole body tingled.


And I remembered feeling this desire in 2005, a year or so after Marika and I had split the first time. I wanted to learn something new that I wouldn’t be good at, but that I would love. I had made a collage with that affirmation and a few others, and a few months later, seemingly out of nowhere, I rented a cello and signed up for private lessons. 


I had played alto saxophone and oboe in high school, and yet I was genuinely surprised by how big the cello was. And that it rested across my heart when I played. And, unlike the treble clef for sax and oboe, the music was on the bass clef, so I had to mentally transpose each note as I played.


I loved it. I practiced every day and had a lesson every week. When my teacher said I was ready to pick a song, I chose Vivaldi’s “Winter” from “The Four Seasons.” And I was pretty good. But after a year, I returned the cello, feeling complete.


And now, I’m aching for that feeling again. Of being a beginner, of discovery, of being devoted to something that brings me a new and deep kind of joy.


And I have no idea what it will be. And that is exciting too, knowing that there will be a moment when something is going to appear and my heart is going to soften and light up, and my whole being is going to say Yes.


Meanwhile, I’m showing up, still asking for guidance and support, and listening in for the heart sparks.


I invite you to take out some paper and write your own lists. Under each heading: Spiritual Life, Financial Life, Social Life, Physical Life, Creative Life, list what is working, what you’d like to create, and what you’re ready to let go of, to feel more supported and fulfilled.


Notice where there is contentment. Notice where there is resistance. Notice where your heart is calling you to shine. 


I’d love to hear what you discover. And if you’d like some support and camaraderie on the journey, please join us for the Spark Your Heart, Ignite Your Life! program. We begin January 16.


Wishing you a year of good health, much laughter, deep connections, and everything your heart truly desires.

With a heart full of light and love,
