Posted by on Jan 13, 2016 in awareness | 2 comments

When I was in my 20’s I imagined that I would be the next Great American Writer. I sat at my portable electric Royal typewriter every day, inventing stories about people, documenting my observations, journaling ideas for my first great novel.

One afternoon a friend said to me, “Why do you bother? There are no new ideas. Everything’s already been said.”

Now, she was an important person in my life, and very smart–– her IQ was high enough to join the Mensa Society–– and so I believed her.

And I stopped writing.

Twenty years later I took a deep breath and signed up for a creative writing class with an amazing teacher who encouraged my writing, challenged my skills and inspired me to write deeper and better.

One day in class she said, “There are no new ideas.”

My heart sank to my knees. No, not again. And then she finished her sentence.

“And so it’s your job as a writer to come up with new ways to say things so that people can see it fresh. New.”

There was such freedom in hearing a new twist on a belief that had limited me for so long.

Her words gave me the permission to pursue this thing that I love so much. More important, I believed in my writing again.

Another huge limiting belief I had was that, in order to be an author, I had to fly to bookstores all over the country at a break-neck pace to promote it. Once I realized I could do a book tour on my own terms, I was able to allow myself the joys of writing and publishing my first book, and going on an amazing solo cross-country road trip in my RV.

What beliefs do you have that may be holding you back?

Do you think only “artists” are creative?

Do you think you have to wait until you retire to enjoy your life?

Do you think that you can’t apply for that dream job because you don’t have the right degree?

Do you think only selfish people can be wealthy?

These kinds of limiting beliefs often hold us back from tapping into that wondrous place of passion and creation inside of us.

But when we are able to step back and observe these thoughts, we can discern if they are really true. And if they aren’t, well, this is where transformation begins.



Curious how changing one single belief can begin to change your whole life? Join the intimate Spark Your Heart, Ignite Your Life online coaching group. Details here!