Posted by on Dec 28, 2016 in awareness, celebration | 5 comments


I can’t believe it’s almost the end of 2023. It’s been quite a year for me! Really high highs and incredibly low lows. And everything in between. Like most of you.

So often, if we’ve had a loss in our life ( a loved one, a job, a relationship, etc) we say it’s been a bad year. Yes, definitely, it’s been hard, but every moment hasn’t been full of grief. We couldn’t survive if it were.

In the midst of all of the hard stuff there are always moments of hope, of joy, of gratitude.

These last few days of the year are an especially opportune time to reflect on ALL of the moments that have made up this year.

It’s easy to list all of the BIG stuff that has happened to us, for us.

But what else has happened? What else have you done?

Taking the time to honor and acknowledge our lives can be so empowering.

I invite you to find a quiet place and take out a piece of paper.
Ask yourself these questions:

What are you proud of?

What have you accomplished?

What has surprised you?

What new thing have you learned about how you show up in the world?

They can be big things, small things, challenges that you met head on.
They can be steps you’ve taken toward change in your life.

Then read your answers OUT LOUD to yourself, in a mirror.
Be proud. Be amazed. Be a celebrating fool!

Now take out a new piece of paper and write down a few things you’d like to see on this list at the end of next year. Again, big or small, it doesn’t matter. Maybe it’s something you do. Maybe it’s a change in how you feel.

Post this paper where you will see it everyday, where it will inspire you and remind you what you really want for yourself in this coming year.

If you’re really ready to commit and would like some support and accountability to actually make these dreams come true, consider the power and possibilities of some Heart Sparks coaching with me.

Email me if you might be interested and we’ll set up a time to chat to see if it’s a good fit for us.