Posted by on Feb 29, 2012 in celebration, creativity, delight, dreaming | 0 comments


It’s leap year, leap month and, today, February 29th is Leap Day. And so it seems so fitting to talk about leaping. Taking the plunge. Taking a deep breath and just going for it.

It’s such a wonderful concept, this leaping.

It’s all about risk and faith and letting go and pushing aside all of the monkey voices in your head that talk you out of doing some big, scary thing and just going for what you really want.

Although the phrase “Leap and the net will appear” is sometimes attributed to an unknown Zen source, it is, in fact, a quote by American naturalist John Burroughs.

I first heard the phrase in the song, “Right Outta Nowhere” by Christine Kane.

“Right outta nowhere

You open your heart

And let go of everything

You’re going somewhere

And all you need to know

Is that you’re free to go

Dream and the way will be clear

Pray and the angels will hear

Leap and the net will appear”

The song encourages us that all we have to do is open our hearts, let go of any expectations and trust that the wide open space will hold us, guide us, support us.

Leap and the net will appear reminds us that, if we want to do something beyond our comfort zone, we have to take that first, unknown, scary as hell step. We have to leap with the faith that we are on our true path. And that some net, some larger force, some divine energy will keep us from falling, from failing.

Leap and the net will appear is not about knowing how it will turn out. It’s not about having all your ducks lined up, with more than enough funds in your IRA, just in case. It’s about trusting that this thing that calls you, that your heart is guiding you toward, will support you and teach you and bring you to a richer, fuller more authentic way of being you.

Sometimes leaping is the only possible next step. 

What does leaping look like for you?

taking a cooking class?

submitting your artwork to a gallery?

applying for a new job?

training for a marathon?

joining Toastmasters?

saying YES to your first women’s retreat?

painting your bedroom lavender?

moving to Morro Bay, CA?

And what can you do TODAY  to get this leaping in motion?

Not sure how to begin the leaping process?

Join me for a fun and inspiring Leap and the Net Will Appear workshop that will help you identify your leap desire, release and move past the things and voices that keep you from doing it and offer some definitive steps you can take to get you moving forward, building momentum, so you will be ready to take the big leap before the end of this awesome leap year.

Click here for all of the details.